Eric Frank Russell

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Eric Frank Russell

Post by John »

It's often said that if EFR had sritten in some other genre rather than SF he would be much better known than he is.

A Liverpudlian with a Transatlantic style, EFR was a superb writer of high technical skill and incredibly good humour.

From adventure with a twist to poignant heart-rending tales to side-splitting humour, the full range of his SF is astonishing. He was one of the giants of SF from 1930s to the 1960s, but is now largely forgotten.

Recommended reads to get you hooked: Three To Conquer(1957), Wasp(1958) and Next of Kin(1959). After that, the other ten books, some novels and some short story collections, will keep you going for a while and wanting more. Unfortunately there is no more.

After about 1964 (With a Strange Device) the output suddenly stopped. Whatever happened to such a fertile mind and imagination?

There are two odd books that are not in the fiction market as such. Great World Mysteries (very rare indeed) is a re-examination of mysterious events such as the Marie Celeste. The Rabble Rousers (ultra-rare) is based on the previous work of the Fortean Society and explores strange events. Rabble Rousers II was apparently in progress when work stopped. There's a mystery.....

The EFR Archive is in Liverpool.
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