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Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:50 pm
by John
Neil Gaimon's novel about London Below was actually pretty good, so we decided to rent the DVD of the 6 part TV series. It comprises 6x30 minute episodes and is shot in the age old BBC tradition of mixing good location filming with crap studio video.

Sadly, the TV series has none of the charm of the novel and is staged like a cut price version of Blakes 7. This means that basically good actors try to deliver an appalling script with some degree of conviction. Very sad to watch.

The most dire moment is when Hunter, played woodenly like some androgenous Boy George with a spear, has to fight "The Beast of London". Apparently the beast comprises two horns mounted on a wooden frame covered by a carpet. Even just a little bit of rehearsal would have helped.

Not even one star for this one.