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Dreadful Sanctuary by Eric Frank Russell

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:16 pm
by John
Fantasy Press, Pennsylvania, 1951
Museum Press Ltd., England, 1953
Revised Edition Four Square Books, 1967 and Dobson Books, London, 1972

The reason for all that info is to mention that Fantasy Press had a policy that novels had to be a certain word length. As this book was too long it was edited accordingly. It was not until 1967 that the full version was published by Four Square and then 1972 for the first hardcover full version. This last one is the version I have just re-read, although I also have a fascimile edition (boxed) of the First Edition from Fantasy Press.

This is a very sophisticated second novel and carries on with the Fortean theme set in Sinister Barrier. Again written as a 1950's SF thriller mystery, but in reality having greater depths than that and hiding within its words a whole undercurrent of alternative meaning. I got little of it as a child, but I can pick it up well enough now. Very mcu ahead of its time, this is one of EFR's most under-rated novels, probably because it is relatively little known.

There are evn women in it, and I mention that because 40s and 50s SF is notorious for ignoring women in its pages. They just don't exist for many of the ers'a writers, but they do for EFR.

I'm not going to reiterate the plot because why spoil your discover of this fine novel? Please read it, keep an open mind and find its depths and just enjoy a very entertaining and skillful book.
