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The Ring Finger

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:02 pm
by John
A French film with subtitles, but as usual a charming and absorbing study of personal interactions and the way our thoughts relate to our own problems and imperfections. The french are very good at this, witness such alternatives such as "Amelie"....

Sumpuously shot in and around a French port and a delightfully delapidated chateau, a young French girl (aren't they always so delicate and pretty) finds a job with a strangely obscure scientist who "preserves" things. "People find their way here" is obscure and we see a succession of customers who come to have anything from some dead mushrooms to a facial scar preserved. Thus they find release from whatever torments them.

Esoteric, ambiguous and happily sustaining itself, the film's ending is not unexpected, but it does resolve in a way. What that way means is up to your own interpretation.

If you like good cinema rather than action and explosions, then this could be for you.
