After a pause, we are back to our Saturday AD&D sessions. Just Sue and Di playing and I'm DMing some previously unplayed modules. First up is The Lost City, courtesy of the new series of hardback volumes from Goodman Games.
The happy adventurers have been staying at Little Sasha's Inn in Dragonstone and have struck out towards the mountains in a "coming of age" trip to prove their readiness to ascend to adulthood. The first thing they have met is a Tarrasque (oops) and they very sensibly avoided it with some good evasive play. Then they seem to have stumbled into some underground area previously unknown, through a secret door they found bashed half open.
They are now stumbling through a maze of stone corridors and rooms, while outside the Tarrasque is still on the rampage. Only one thing for it, go deeper and find another way out.......
New Adventures on Saturdays
Re: New Adventures on Saturdays
Joined now by Stephen Hall, the adventurers stumbled through some sort of secret way and found themselves in a strange land, held in thrall by a certain Count Von Zarovich. Invited to the castle, they are just about to enter a room where they see three sets of green eyes, at floor level, peering out at them from the darkness. Hubble bubble....
And after three weeks of play, I still haven't pressed the Play button on my CD of Bach's Toccata......they keep dodging around it!
And after three weeks of play, I still haven't pressed the Play button on my CD of Bach's Toccata......they keep dodging around it!

Re: New Adventures on Saturdays
Bach had his moment....and the Count had laid on a feast for our band of advernturers. Strahd doesn't get out much, so he's probably happy to string things along and get good entertainment value out of his guests. Immortality tends to last a long time.....